The buttons below show our ten video titles and are links to those titles. By clicking on one of them, you will be taken to the site where you can stream that video. If you would prefer to read the text of the video and to not see Dave's "handsome face" (he doesn't allow mirrors in his home), read the same-titled blog
Watch this video first. It reviews the historical development of the concepts of historical materialism and class struggle. It then shows why the essence of the class struggle is the unwinnable struggle between the extreme strategies for reproductive competition, K and R, the quality and the quantity strategies, which cause and define one another and can only be lessened, preferably minimized, by increasing, preferably maximizing, respectively, equal opportunity and population control.
Social Science 201 Homophobia and Latent Homosexuality Part I reveals the simple laws of our psycho-sexual development, which have always been known to us as children but hidden from us as adults owing to little-understood homophobia and the confusion caused by the people who are hiding their homosexuality.
This video describes the three masks that our ancestors acquired and passed on to us owing to the violence, trauma and confusion of our prehistory. The Third Mask, which hides homosexuality, arose in conjunction with monogamy, horticulture and class society. Parents demanding grandchildren mandate that mask for their same-sex children as modern religion unwittingly mandated monogamy and homophobia for our species.
This video introduces viewers to Harvey Milk, an early champion of the LGBt movement and quotes Harvey telling all LGB people that they must come out, must unburden themselves of the Third Mask. The video explains why all the masks, especially the Third Masks, must be removed. The video reviews Orwell’s dead-on-the-money characterization of latent homosexual people as “Big Brother” (in his monumental novel, 1984), as people tending to have all of Big Brother’s personality flaws. But far from demonizing the Big Brothers, the video acknowledges their positive attributes and explains why our political necessity is to limit their devilry in the economic sphere and remove them from the political sphere.
In the K and R Class Struggle Video, I promised the folks that have had numinous experiences (contacts with God) that I would improve their understanding of them. This video does so in an entertaining fashion.
Part II defines the universal (highly ambivalent) elements of the godhead and the major events of our horrific prehistory. It also introduces the Habiru and explains how modern religions had to replace pagan religion so as to abolish blood sacrifice and improve distant neighbor relations in the interest of trade.
Part III improves our understanding of the universal elements of the godhead and prehistory, reveals the artifices by which the various modern religions abolished blood sacrifice and reminds us that the modern religions have only grown trade and the human economy. They have had no effect upon the K and R Class Struggle, which we must minimize so as to civilize and sustain our world and accelerate human evolution. This requires honesty about ourselves, our ancestors and our horrific past.
This video describes a new system of marriage and child rearing that we can adopt if we commit ourselves to civilizing the world by minimizing K and R (by maximizing equal opportunity and population control). It is a simplified and standardized form of the family that will guarantee everyone love with the perfect partner and turn our dismal world into a paradise.
Part I reviews the discoveries to date of Black historians, individuals that dared to contradict the slave-owning and racist Big Brothers that largely succeeded in hiding the African origins of the first Americans.
Part II analyzes the data collected by Squier and Davis on the North American monuments. It uses it and other data to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Aboriginal African Americans exterminated Homo erectus (our parent species) throughout the Americans and were themselves decimated by the Great Flood prior to being conquered by the Amerindians. Part II also shows how the mounds evolved per the uses put to them and roughly how many Homo erecti were slaughtered in North America alone.
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